What we're about

This is a group for those interested in getting out, making new friends and having fun. We try and vary our events from outdoor activities to indoor. We encourage members to suggest or host events of their choice, it's a way of adding variety, but only if you want to. We don't have a set age limit - all are welcome.

Joining: Whether you are new to "meet up" or adding us to your repertoire of groups, we recommend that you read our Etiquette Guidelines located via the link below.

Profile Picture: We do request a current profile picture when joining, it helps us to recognise you when you attend, just as you can see who we are.

We ask all members to be respectful of the event host, if you RSVP yes - means you are coming. If you find yourself unable to attend, ensure to change your RSVP to NO. This way, event hosts and attendees are not kept waiting unnecessarily.

Membership fees: are charged as of 2016, this will be due by the 1st of November each calendar year. For new members please come along to the first event for free, but at the second event we ask that you pay your membership dues.

Transfer into my account, details are located on front page via member dues, private message me after payment is made, I will log this in the money section of “membership fees paid once I have received your payment. It will then be reflected in your profile in the money page.

Attendance.. we understand not every event will grab your interest though we believe 12 months is ample time to see if our group is something you feel comfortable being part of.

Please be aware if you remain inactive in that time and have not paid your membership fees you will be automatically removed from the group.


If any of the above is unclear, please feel free to contact us, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events, Regards The Management Team.



By signing up for events you acknowledge that you are personally responsible for your own safety, equipment and possessions, and that you are participating in the event entirely at your own risk. You agree to indemnify the organisers from all claims for injuries, loss or damages which may be incurred as a result of your participation.

Upcoming events (4+)

Trivia at the Golf Club

Location visible to members

It's Thursday. We always have trivia on Thursdays, starting around 7:30pm, run by Q & A trivia and hosted by Mel. Free to play and prizes to be won.

Main meals range from around $15.00 specials to $31.00 for the fish of the day but Campbelltown Catholic Club members enjoy member prices on meals and drinks. Remember to bring your card.

Go Karting

Ultimate Karting Sydney

LETS GO KARTING - Needs a prepayment
Ultimate Karting Sydney is the place to go, regardless of the weather, as their track is indoors.
There is a $10 yearly membership fee to race, and then you can choose to race once ($35 for a 10 minute race) or race twice (2x10 minute races for $60).
Fabulous meals are available at the attached Juicy Goose cafe until 9pm. Even if you're not going to go around the track, why not come for a meal, some arcade gaming and to watch the speedsters.

If you put your name down we will need to prepay. I will send my bank details to attendees.

Trivia at Camden Hotel

Location visible to members

InnQUIZitive are the pub trivia night specialists. Utilising big screen technology they offer an exciting trivia night with a great range of questions that promise to challenge your whole team. Questions cover topics from popular culture to geography, science and much more!

Trivia at the Golf Club

Campbelltown Golf Club

It's Thursday. We always have trivia on Thursdays, starting around 7:30pm, run by Q & A trivia and hosted by Mel. Free to play and prizes to be won.

Main meals range from around $15.00 specials to $31.00 for the fish of the day but Campbelltown Catholic Club members enjoy member prices on meals and drinks. Remember to bring your card.

Past Events

Trivia at Camden Hotel

Camden Hotel and Pub