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Don’t do that, do this! Modernizing JavaScript Interop in your Blazor

Photo of Jun-ichi Sakamoto
Hosted By
Jun-ichi S. and Luke
Don’t do that, do this! Modernizing JavaScript Interop in your Blazor


Blazor is an innovative framework that allows developers to create modern client web apps using C# instead of JavaScript. Unfortunately, sometimes Blazor application developers need to call JavaScript code from C# code. But don't worry. Blazor provides JavaScript interop features that enable this. And over the years, the ways to use JavaScript code from the C# side have improved to become safer.

Although those improvements are there, I sometimes come across legacy and unadvisable JavaScript interop code while searching about the Blazor JavaScript interop feature online, yet. If you copy & paste those legacy codes from the internet, it will put you at risk of your app being fragile.

In this online talk, Jun-ichi Sakamoto, a developer who has created numerous OSS libraries for .NET, will introduce how to modernize the code for calling JavaScript from the C# side on Blazor apps to be safer and more robust.

(In this talk session, we aren't going to mention Blazor WebAssembly-specific JavaScript interop features, such as "IJSInProcessRuntime", and .NET JavaScript interop on WebAssembly features, such as the "JSImport" or "JSExport" attributes.)

Event Type
Talk session

Speaker Bio
Jun-ichi Sakamoto - Microsoft MVP Award holder for over 10 years / Passionate about sharing Blazor knowledge / Living in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan / working on presentation skills in English
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Online (Microsoft Teams meeting)

Date and time
Mon, Jun 26, 7:00pm - 7:30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time GMT+10)

Participation fee

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