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Tapping & Emotion Code Energy Clearing & Aligning Circle

Photo of Bonnie
Hosted By
Tapping & Emotion Code Energy Clearing & Aligning Circle


Receive a very special gift when you officially sign up before 9pm Weds, 6/14 for this month's Energy Clearing Circle! You will receive a personal Emotion Code clearing of 3 Trapped Emotions. Just click on the PayPal link below and you'll be taken to the page where you can fill out the form to receive your personal clearing. This is a $45.00 value that you'll receive for free! See below for more information on Emotion Code.

Join us on zoom for some stress relief and upliftment as we use Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Emotion Code to help us process our emotions and to raise our energy and mood!

We will be using a special technique called the Emotional Reset Process that uses TTT (Trauma Tapping Technique), Emotion Code & Picture Tapping to allow you to privately work on your own "stuff" while you borrow the benefits of tapping together with a group.
Please signup at least 2 hours before the event so I can get you the zoom link and information.
Cost is: $20.00
Paypal link:
You should be automatically sent to a webpage with all of the information to join the event.

Things to know:
1. Please be in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
2. Have paper (at least 4 sheets) and a pen.
3. Have a magnet for Emotion Code (refrigerator magnet is fine)
3. You will not have to share anything about your personal life with the group. There will be an opportunity at the beginning and the end to share feeling words (ie. stressed, overwhelmed, tired, anxious, peaceful, calm, etc., if you want but you don't have to say anything).
4. You have the option of keeping your camera off if you want complete privacy.
5. Have water nearby.
6. Please get on 5 minutes before 7pm. We will be starting right at 7pm and it is very disruptive once we start to have new people come on.
7. We will end with "Upliftment" Tapping that will help raise your energy and mood - leaving you feeling really good!

More information at:

Questions? Email me at

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and it is basically tapping on meridian points while thinking of something that bothers you, or that you feel stuck in. It is sometimes called emotional acupuncture without needles. It’s useful for all kinds of emotional issues, feeling angry, sad or overwhelmed. It can also get you past subconscious limiting beliefs that can hold you back from abundance, free you from cravings for certain foods or help with physical pain! It works because the body, mind, and emotions are all connected, and it all shows up in the energy system. It’s amazingly easy, fast and powerful.

Emotion Code is an Energy Healing modality create by Dr. Bradley Nelson and it’s base on the premise that when things happen to us that have strong emotions attached it them, it can create trapped energy in the body that he calls Trapped Emotions. These trapped emotions can cause emotional & physical distress & dis-ease. You can release a trapped emotion by asking questions of the subconscious mind and testing for the answer using muscle testing and then using a magnet to release the emotional energy.

Find out more about Emotion Code here: The Emotion Code | Energy Healing Method | Discover Healing

Photo of Tapping & Energy Clearing & Aligning Circle group
Tapping & Energy Clearing & Aligning Circle
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9 spots left