Worum es bei uns geht

Automotive Security. Community Driven.

The Automotive Security Research Group Braunschweig-Wolfsburg (ASRG-BWE) is a non-profit initiative to promote the development of security solutions for automotive products.

- Information sharing concerning existing automotive security problems, solutions, products and technology.
- Research projects on publicly available vehicles, infrastructure and supporting backend systems.
- Create meaningful results to be shared with the public in a controlled manner.
- Create a community of shared resources and networking.

Bevorstehende Events (2)

Putting Privacy at the Forefront in Automotive

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Privacy4Cars founder and CEO Andrea Amico talks about the growing role of privacy and how ASRG members can start or accelerate a journey to turn privacy from pure risk management and into a source of value. Amico addresses three areas that are frequently overlooked in automotive:
Lifetime management/handoff problems
(Mis)representation of data practices
(In)adequate data subject processes
Drawing parallels to other high-tech industries and drawing on his experience at Privacy4Cars in addressing some of these challenges, he hopes this presentation will inspire others to make the leap from “privacy is an annoyance that is best dealt with through lawyers” to “privacy is a new area of innovation and competition to meet a growing consumer demand”.
Companies interested in collaborating on privacy transparency, enhancements, and recognition (which fall under the “S” and the “G” of Environmental, Social, and Governance) can reach out to Andrea by emailing info at privacy4cars dot com.
Andrea Amico is the founder and CEO of Privacy4Cars, the first tech company focused on identifying and solving the privacy and security issues created by vehicle data. Hundreds of dealerships, auto lenders (including OEM captives), and fleets rely on Privacy4Cars’ patented method to delete and protect the personal information vehicles capture.
His recently launched https://VehiclePrivacyReport.com is the first free tool available to consumers that provides a privacy snapshot of a vehicle. Vehicle Privacy Report introduces unprecedented levels of transparency, facilitates consumer choice, and builds a platform for dealer services and differentiation and is being featured in high-profile print, radio, and TV segments.
When not busy building his company, hacking cars, performing groundbreaking research, or collaborating with associations, Andrea’s blue hair can be spotted on conference stages or media.\

Secure Our Streets 2023

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International ASRG conference SOS (Secure Our Streets), which takes place for the second time and will be once a year. The conference is all about automotive cybersecurity which discusses and presents the latest interesting insights, technologies, solutions and processes from companies and leaders with well-known experience in the industry. Passenger cars, commercial vehicles and more are fast becoming the world’s most sophisticated computers and networks on wheels, which is a great target for cybercriminals. In addition, the OEMs and the suppliers are obligated to the new standards and regulations such as ISO/SAE-21434 and UN R155, which requires from them reorganization, new responsibilities, new resources, new cybersecurity culture and processes. At SOS, we explore existing and emerging cybersecurity challenges and solutions.

Register Here: https://sos.asrg.io/
*** Registration required.

Vergangene Events (32)

Vulnerability Disclosure 101: ...to not get the messenger killed

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